
I accept the result of the proof of concept. Each of us follows its idea of what is the truth, basing it to our personal evolutive growth and the studies we have made. 
We have truncated the "Convivium" of the Platonic Love, separating the following actions:  courting, falling in love, intimacy, that is to say the mind, the heart, the senses. 
Most of the people use only mind and senses; it is not easy to use heart. The true way is hidden by a tepid feeling that comes and  goes like a wave of the sea. 
The time of the heroes is gone by, that time of Greek tragedies, of novel's castes young girls consumed with the fire of an ideal or an idea of love.  
There are people in love with the Love, but then they aren't able to love: the object is not the subject. 

The truth we are looking for it will never be found using only intellect; the street of the heart has an only way: " THE LOVE ". 

I call sublimed Love that love that doesn't have frontiers, it doesn't know obstacles, it doesn't have barriers.  
Sex is then a consequence of this marvellous feeling.  
We see and feel only the love of this reality, yet I can assure you that there are other realities that for those who don't know the "Way" they cannot be real. 
I know the deep love who has bound two special Beings since ancient times. They have taught me how true love can demolish every barrier and pale and tepid that Love known by human beings .