The scientist Kerry Siech, geologist of the "Caltech", polytechnic in California, he made a study of seismological phenomenon in the last 100 years, grouping those measuring magnitude higher to 8° on the Richter scale. 
The periods in which they occurred were between 1906 and 1908 and between 1952 and 1965; then we can deduce, that the event happened in Southern Asia, Thailand and Sumatra it will be the first in a sequence of cluster events that will occur on Earth. 
The earthquakes are caused by the movement of the faults on the earth's crust, on which continents are based; so, it's logical to think that what is happened will jolt the other sensitive zones as the Californian peninsula, the Anatolia (Turkey) and Sicily that just in 1908 was devastated from a violent earthquake that razed the city of Messina. This exceptional event happened two years after the earthquake of San Francisco in California. 
Just the exceptional force of these events recalls to mind the ancient prophecies speaking about the end of the world. 
The Mayas, Latin America population existing before the arrival of the Europeans and from which we have inherited many scientific knowledge, they speak about 2012 like a critical year for Earth and humanity. 
At first sight we suppose that we are still 7 years away, but making our calculations right, it's really 2005 the year in question. In fact, there was a mistake of 7 years when the zero year was appointed, the year of the Jesus birth, as testified in many writings. 
Then it will be really 2005 the critical year both for Earth and humanity. 
It's quite impossible to foresee these events, say the scientists, since the lack of technologies.  
But how did the Mayas and other populations like the Egyptians, existed millenniums ago, foresee things that are now occurring? 
Perhaps it would be better for scientists, which are so clung to the new technology, to brush up the data and the forecasts of those people who made use of another "Ancient Science", the same science that has built monuments still lasting today, after 5000 years. 

Written by "Franky"