“Holy Archangel Michael, 
You, that you are the Prince among all the Angels, you that with your sword of light pierce through the whole evil, you that you are the Master of Wisdom, the guide of all the Prophets, tell me:
how do you see and judge human brotherhood?

Son and Brother of mines, unfortunately the true brotherhood doesn't exist among the men of the Earth.
They have become hard at heart , too much engaged with their personal affairs,  they hardly look out of  their personal world and vision. Many of them make proselytes in the name of God, ready to close the door to anybody has different points of view, few of them make the best in works and actions far from the easy profit and  from the pride to be great and applauded. 

Fornicators, lack in intellect, are taking care of the Devil’s personal business, paraphrasing in an epic linguistic apostolate.
Scorpios come out from some men’s prayers, from their dark thoughts are born harmful forms infecting the air, stilling the sleep and making us fall ill with anxiety. 

The world, seen by my eyes, is not so great as it seems,  luckily… however, my Angels are very much busy, cause the word of God who comes only through the Saint Spirit examined and led by me, is not understood in its entirety.
Cancerous souls are debated in very scabrous bodies. 
Fathers, holders of ancient words, have lost sight of the reality: therefore they judge the brotherhood on the basis of their logics, of their opinion’s knowledge, very hard, therefore they accept only disputes with people with the same point of view. 

The Angels, once men’s guides, are not valued today because of the lost of the Angel’s true concept; they think they can arrive at the House of the Father, but  to get there it shall be only by me, the Christ of Salvation and the  Persecutor of the evil. 

It is not true that John has been the last Prophet, as many of you believe.  
The Sacred Bible has been manipulated by men that put them selves in the God ‘s place , since many “John” were always born in the world to bring the Divine Word on Earth.
This mistake, like many others, is the consequence of the evil’s  proliferation , of the ignorance, of the hunger, of the wars, of the powerful persons' predominance on the small ones, of the illnesses, of the fears dominating the Beings’ hearts, every moment on the day. 

I know  that  openly assume that the Bible is a mix of epic histories taken from   the Sumerian and Akkadian texts, from histories of Jewish people lifes,  a result of manipulations, it is equals to be accused of heresy, but I am He who holds in the palms of his hands the Life and the Death, He who has won Sin and  Death, therefore men’s words cannot change my ascent and descent in this world. 
They won't now accept me if not in a ethereal form, but they will very soon accept me in my terrestrial shape of a man like you. 

Dear Son , I am the true brother and the true friend. It will be difficult, but not impossible, to bring the men on the straight way, again

Michael Jesus 

From Kevin
